Destinations :
Duration : 11 Jours / 10 Nuits

Tour Highlights:-

Tour Itinerary

Day 01

Breakfast in the Hotel and drive Kathmadnu to Syabrubensi [1400 m]. Overnight at Tea House Lodge.

The drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubenshi takes about 7 to 8 hours via Dhunche. The part of the village along the road is new. The village formed as the roadway was constructed and has four or five lodges, shops and several stores. The old or main part of the village is on the opposite bank where the Langtang Khola joins the Trisuli River. It originally started as a refugee camp for the Tibetans. This old village has a several lodges, too. It also has a hospital on the opposite bank.

Day 02

Trek Syabrubensi to Lama Hotel [2470 m]. 6 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge.

From the village go straight on the roadway. Before the first curve, take the narrow path on the right, which descends to main village on the opposite bank. Cross the suspension bridge over the Bhote Koshi, which also called Trisuli River beyond the junction upstream. Without stopping in the main village, follow the path along the river upstream. In about 15 minutes, the path will start going up the flank on the right. After a little ascent climb you will reach Wangal. Continue a zigzag ascent, and you will come to the terraced field and then reach Khamjing Tibetan village, where prayers flags are flapping in the wind. From this village the path traverses a flank to its upper right. When you pass another village, you can see the Ganesh Himal range and will be soon on a ridge. From here, the path will continue on a flank, overlooking the Langtang Khola far below. Looking up at the rocky Gosaikund ahead, pleasant trekking will continue for a while since the path is almost level. When the terraced fields become visible on the slope ahead, you will go around the small valley and reach the village of Sherpa. The path on the flank continues further on after Sherpa Village and gradually starts descending. You will be approaching the Langtang Khola and enter a forested area. Before long, you will reach Rimche, where there is a lodge and the path from Gosaikund joins in. 15 minutes more of gentle ascent bring you to the Lama Hotel.

Day 03

Trek Lama Hotel to Langtang Village [3420 m]. 5 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge.

From Lama Hotel, you will climb through a dense forest. The ground also covered by moss. Trees have ferns and epiphytic orchids on them. It looks like a semitropical jungle. Every time you can see the glittering white LangtanLirung. Continue a gentle ascent, the Langtang River is now a rapid stream and reach the wide meadow, Ghora Tabela. Leaving Ghora Tabela, start with a gentle ascent on the path in the meadow, and a steep ascent will follow for about 100 meters through the shrubbery. When you climb over the terrace, you will see rocky Yala Peak [5033 meters] further up the valley. Trees are not growing in this area. The meadow-like valley continues gently turning to the right. Trek through two hamlets, you will soon come to the plateau, where the village of Langtang looks very close. To the right of Yala Peak you can see Ganchempo [6387 meters]. Descend from the plateau, cross a stream, pass by the school building, and you will be in Langtang Village with prayer flags flying in the wind. There are Mani wheels at the entrance of the village and a fine Chorten and a Mandala in the square.

Day 04

Trek Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa [3840 m]. 3 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge.

From the village, climb up the road with walls of stone, and you will come to a Chorten of Mani stones, ahead of which a mendan continues for some distance along the gentle ascending road. Looking up at Ganchempo in front, pass the two villages, Mund and Singdum, and you will see that the Langtang Khola gets closer all the time. The valley becomes more open. PonggenDopku [5930 meters] becomes visible ahead of you and you will soon be passing Chaldhang with two lodges. Cross the wooden bridge over the Lirung Glacier. YansaTsenji [6543 meters] stands high to your left. Climb up the rocky moraine ahead, and you will reach Kyanjin Gompa [3840 meters].

In Kyanjin Gompa, there is an old Gompa and the village named Kyanjin Gompa, and a cheese factory plus few lodges. If your physical condition and time allow, follow the ridge that stretches northeast form the gompa to the small peak [4200 meters]. You will enjoy a view of entire Langtang Lirung embracing the glacier. It takes two hours to climb leisurely to this peak and another hour to come down.

Day 05

Today, you are going to take a day trip to further in the valley to LangshisaKharka. You should leave early in the morning since this takes about eight hours for a round trip. The elevation exceeds 4000 meters. You now need to be careful of altitude sickness.

From Kyanjin Gompa, descend the wide meadow, cross about three streams, and you will be by the Airsteep. If you turn around Langtang Lirung stand big. Trek through the airstrip, follow the path along the right bank of Langtang Khola, which is narrower now, and Langshisha Ri 6427 meters becomes visible further up the valley. Here Langshisha Ri looks as if it were skidding through the Langtang Glacier. The path will go about 50 meters above the river and finally leads you to the Kharka in Jatang, which has stone huts. A narrow path continues further to the heads of the Langtang Glacier and the Langshisha Glacier. From Langtang Glacier you can enjoy a very close up views of the mountains lining up on the easter side of the Langtang Glacier such as Gur Karpo Ri 6874 meter, Pemthang Karpo Ri, and Pemathang Ri 6843 meters. From the Langshisha Glacier, on the other hand, you can see the main peaks of the Jungal Mountains such as Dorje Lakpa alsoLenpo Gang called Big White Peak 6979 meters.

Day 06

Retrace back to Ghora Tabela. 7 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge


Day 07

Trek to ThuloSyabru. We trek back to landslide lodge and climb 400 meters to ThuloSyabru. 5 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge.

Day 08

Trek ThuloSyabru to Sing Gompa [3260 m]. 5 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge.

There are at least three routes from ThuloSyabru to Gosaikund. Two of these pass Sing Gompa and directly to tea shops at Chalang Pati. The route described here is circuitous trail via Sing Gompa. This trail is easier to follow and breaks the climb into more manageable segments. Climb past the Gompa, school and army post, and switchback up the steep hill above the village past a few houses, shops and potato fields. Always take upper, steep trail and you will eventually find yourself at two pleasant lodge in Adursagang. The trail continues less steeply, now mostly in forest of hemlock and oak, past an old Chorten to the top of the ridge at Foprang Danda and two hotels at 3190 m. Watch the langur monkey play in the forest below. This is also a trail junction; the larger Sing Gompa trail cuts across the ridge top, staying fairly level in forests as it crosses the head of a valley. Take the uphill trail at each junction cross another ridge in a forest of large spurs. The trail continues across the head of a second valley, reaches a final ridge then. Climb over a wall and walk past a government agriculture office to a collection of hotels at Chandan Bari, about 100m along the trail to the left. Sing Gompa is main attraction at Chandan Bari, which also boasts a very well maintained cheese factory and shop.

Day 09

Trek Sig Gompa to Gosaikund Lake [4460 m]. 6 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge

The trail climbs steeply up the ridge, at several points on top of the ridge itself. The ridge crates a transition zone between rich, moist mountain forests on the northern slopes and dry scrub vegetation on the slopes that face south. The area on the northern slopes is a sanctuary for the red panda, an endangered species. The trail crosses behind the ridge and stays in deep forests for a while, then emerges onto a saddle at Chalang Pati. As the trail ascends, there are outstanding views across Langtang Valley to LantangLirung and mountain views of Tibet, Annapurna, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal etc. The trail ascends, now in alpine country, up the ridge to a small concrete temple with a statue of Sakyamuni and beyond to a pair of tall stone pillars. Continue to the ridge at 4100m and climb further situated first of a lake in a valley several hundred metres below. The trail leaves the ridge and heads high above the Trisuli valley. Fortunately, it is on the sunny side of the hill, so the snow melts quickly. The trail is spooky and dangerous if snow-covered. Indeed, it there has been a lot of snow, it may not be possible to cross into Gosaikund.After the trail crosses spur, the second lake in the chain, comes into view. The trail climbs gently but follow to a ridge and drip about 20m to the third and largest lake, Gosaikund.

Day 10

Gosaikund Lake - day for exploration. Overnight at Tea House Lodge

Thousands of pilgrims gain merit by circumambulation of and/or bathing Gosaikund on the full moon in July and August. There are many legends concerning Gosaikund – perhaps the most famous involves Shiva, the Hindu god of creation. Thisis a myth that the gods were once churning the ocean, hoping to obtain the water of immortality. However, they extracted a burning poison that Shiva, in an effort to save gods and the world, drank. This made his neck blue and the burning sensation forced him into the mountains to find something soothing to drink. He struck his trident into the ground and three streams poured forth, creating Gosaikund. Shiva drank from the lake and quenched his thirst. There is a rock in the centre of the lake and it resembles a Shiva linga, the sacred symbol of Hindu creation, and pilgrims often say they can see Shiva reclining on a bed of serpents in the lake’s water.
Day 11
Trek to Sig Gompa [2580 m]. 6 hours trek and overnight at Tea House Lodge

An exposed trail from Gosaikund first traverses beneath and then climbs a ridge brings you to a minor pass and series of Chorten. You can see ridge descending to a collection of teahouses at Laurebina. There are good views of Langtang rage to the northeast and the Ganesh Himal to the northwest.

From Laurebina continue on the southern side of the ridge on a large train, which enters rhododendron and then pine and fir forest. The trail switches to the north side of the ridge and continues through a forest that local believe is haunted. The trail switches back to the southern side of the ridge after 2 hours and then descends to the village of Sing Gompa.
Day 12
Trek to Dhunche and drive back to Kathmandu. 4 hours trek and 6 hour drive. 

The trail descends rapidly through an impressive forest all the wayto the Trisuli River, where there is a great spot soak feet in the river. Cross the bridge to the south bank of the river and continue on a slightly undulating trail that meets the road out of Dhunche, which is just a short walk away.